Child/Youth Protection Training

Certification Training

Please click the arrow to the right of the image below in order to advance through the training slides. (If you need to move backwards, click the arrow to the left of the slides.)

After you complete the training, please take the multiple-choice test below the image and click the “submit” button to send in the test. You must have a score of 80% or better in order to be certified for the year.

What criteria must be met to be considered a screened adult?

I have keys/door codes to the church buildings but I don't work with children so I don't need to be screened or attend training.

Neglect is considered a category of abuse.

If a child has unexplained burns, bites, bruises or broken bones, we know they are being abused.

Chapter 39 of the Florida Statues mandates that we must report suspected or known abuse to the Department of Children and Families

I walk by a classroom and see an adult strike a child. I should…

It is OK to hug a child or youth back if they initiate the hug.

All classroom activities and child and youth programs require the following number of adults supervising:

All drivers of church vehicles, as well as personal vehicles for church trips, must be approved through the process established by the Florida Conference, take part in the annual CYP Training and pass a criminal background check.

It is OK to take pictures of children and youth at church and post them on my social media accounts.