Online Giving

Thank you for your support of First United Methodist Church.  Your gift will support the many ministries of our church and the community.  Allowing us to offer multiple worship services and Christ-centered programs for all ages, to provide hospitality to those in need and to provide for the daily operations of the church, your gift touches many more areas than you may realize.

With our secure online payment system, it’s never been easier to support our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Did you know you can setup recurring online giving (or a one-time gift)? Follow the directions here to create a login to REALM-Our Online Community. Once logged in, you can access the “Giving” tab, then select “+Give” to set it up.

If you do not have a REALM account, you can also click the red button below for a one-time donation.

online giving red bar

Having problems accessing your account?  Please call 561-395-1244.