What To Expect

Most people who are trying out a new church will first attend one of the worship services. Each of our services has a unique personality:

praise team 2014Our 9:30 Contemporary Service, is a large, informal gathering. This service meets in “The Gathering Place,” our multipurpose worship, fellowship and recreation space. Most Sundays include engaging worship music by our praise band and singers. You will also be able to hear a relevant sermon in a casual, relaxed atmosphere. We hope you will join us for a truly fun and meaningful worship experience!

Our 11:00 Traditional Service, is our traditional service. It is held in our Sanctuary. Most Sundays include hymns accompanied by piano and/or organ, special music from our Chancel Choir, a time of prayer and an engaging sermon. Our 11:00 gathering is a wonderful time of passionately expressing our love for God in a time-honored traditional format.

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Our professional nurseries are available during all worship services. Sunday School begins following the praise music during the 9:30 AM  Worship Service.carl lohmar

There is no dress code and you will see a variety of styles. In fact, you’ll find the Contemporary Sunday morning services quite casual. Some people attending the traditional services dress up, but others wear “workplace” or casual clothes.

We hope that nothing you experience at First United Methodist Church of Boca Raton will ever make you uncomfortable, but the “unknown” can make anyone a little uneasy. If you have any questions find one of the ushers.

In addition to Sunday Services, we have many different types of activities during the week from Bible studies, to fellowship and recovery groups. Check out our Ministries Menus to see what is available for each specific age group.